And the move is finally over. We started moving stuff into the new house on Sunday the 22nd and today I finally finished cleaning up the old place and gathered the last few things including our runaway cat Santos. Jeremy and I have moved over half a dozen times since getting married and this move was by far the longest. We thought that since the drive from old house to new house was less than 10 minutes one way that we could go back and forth. That got OLD real quick. I alone must have made that trip 30 times and I have many battle wounds to prove how hard we worked. The worst being a large nasty bruise of my upper left arm...I had a battle with the bedframe and guess who won. In all fairness, I had my back turned and the bedframe attacked me from behind. But at the end of the day, we are happy to be moved into the new home where there is more space for our family, even if it was the longest move EVER.