It's that time again in our household...Kindergarten Roundup! It's a process dreaded by most parents because it makes us realize our babies are getting older and so are we. The first time I did this, it was painless for the most part. Sure I forgot to turn in a copy of someone's birth certificate until the week before school started, but it all worked out. Today is the "official" first day we devoted parent are allowed to get our grubby little hands on a registration packet. It also happens to be the last "official" day to turn in an IDA form. What's an IDA form you ask? It's the "official" Intra-District Agreement form that must be filled out and signed by everyone, including the Queen of England. I have to fill one out each year in the hopes that my soon to be 2nd grader and Kindergartener will be allowed to remain at a school that we love.
I arrived at school #1 this morning to give them a copy of both reds IDA forms. Last year they were kind enough to allow me to submit the form through them, rather than through the primary attendance school. However, that is not the propert procedure so this year I wasn't allowed to do that.
Off to school #2...wait!!! Why didn't I pick up the kindergarten packet at school #1 you ask? Well in the words of my friend Jessica, we live in Yemin and our "official" primary school is only a 2-6 grade. There's another school that's even further out that takes all K-1st graders. So off to school #2 where I was hoping to drop off one of the IDA forms for my soon to be 2nd grader. Logic would say if school #2 is our primary school for grade 2-6, I would need to submit the form there. Apparently logic wasn't part of today's fun. I was turned away at school #2 and sent to school #3.
School #3 promises to take both IDA forms and my kindergarten registration packet. I fill it out and wait and wait until it's my turn to hand over the goodies. She takes copies of everything, but oh wait...Mrs. Goulart, I can't accept this. It seems as though your son is missing a few shots. Anticipating this issue, I looked over the required shots last night and compared them to what little red already had. He was missing the 2nd MMR which the form clearly said, required prior to entering Kindergarten. She proceeds to tell me he needs that shot before she will take the paperwork. So I kindly said, well the woman that was ahead of me didn't have an official stamped copy of the birth certificate and you took hers (she did ask her to come back with an official stamped version). She says, well technically it was all there, she just needs the stamp. If that logic makes any sense to anyone else, then I'm doomed. I was allowed to submit the IDA forms and told to come back with the packet after my child has been traumitized with a needle.
So here I sit, defeated by what should of been a simple process to enroll my child in school. The even more frustrating part that will confuse you even #2 is undergoing a $3million expansion that could turn it into a K-8 grade. Logic would say, then you close school #3 and have all the kids go to school #2. Wrong again. At this point the school Board hasn't made that decision, but hey $3 million on a school expansion that you don't intend to really use...that's logic. If the reds don't get their IDA's approved, then next school year we will have a 2nd grader at school #2 and a Kindergartener at school #3. Happy Monday!