

Monday, November 30, 2009

Many Bruises Later....

And the move is finally over. We started moving stuff into the new house on Sunday the 22nd and today I finally finished cleaning up the old place and gathered the last few things including our runaway cat Santos. Jeremy and I have moved over half a dozen times since getting married and this move was by far the longest. We thought that since the drive from old house to new house was less than 10 minutes one way that we could go back and forth. That got OLD real quick. I alone must have made that trip 30 times and I have many battle wounds to prove how hard we worked. The worst being a large nasty bruise of my upper left arm...I had a battle with the bedframe and guess who won. In all fairness, I had my back turned and the bedframe attacked me from behind. But at the end of the day, we are happy to be moved into the new home where there is more space for our family, even if it was the longest move EVER.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Purging, Packing and Pretty Shoes.

In one very short week we will be moving from our quiet country setting in Acampo to a quiet semi country setting in Lockeford. I say semi country because we are saying goodbye to a stinky chicken farm and hello to a subdivision of about 30ish homes with public infrastructure but are still in a very small rural town. Same grocery store, just closer. Same school for Sam, but a different route. We will have acres of open space behind us and the sound of coyotes will still echo through the air each night. We are sad to be leaving our friendly neighborhood but have outgrown our current home.

One of the joys of moving is purging and packing. Now if you ask my friend Jessica she loves the purging part of moving. In fact she offered to help me which I graciously declined in fear of my favorite brown boots "accidentially" getting donated to her closet. So the purging process began and Mr. G. was so patient with me. I pulled out shirt after shirt asking him if I could donate it or if he wanted to keep it. I figured it was a nice way of giving him the opportunity to save his clothes from the black Glad garbage bag. The reds could care less when it comes to their clothes and I made sure they were distracted when it came to the toys. As for my stuff, well, you didn't really think I would get rid of my pretty shoes??? Actually I am proud to say I did purge 2 pairs and when I looked at those 2 pairs I did that thing where you tilt your head to one side and go Hmm...what was I thinking. There is no way I would have purchased those shoes and added them to my collection. Must have been for a Halloween costume or a gag gift from someone.

As I sit here surrounded by boxes and still have many more to pack, I think of the very first house we purchased. The house that we made into our home. The house that we, well mostly Mr. G. spent countless house fixing up. The house we brought our babies home to and made many great memories. I have high hopes that this next house will quickly become a home filled with laughter, love and many wonderful memories.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....

The hugs, kisses, snuggles and cuddles that the reds give so freely on a daily basis.

Cool summer breeze and the perfect sunset that makes it all seem so peacful.

The perfect pair of jeans that fit right every single time you put them on.
The feel of my feet right after a spa pedicure.

The honesty you can see when you look into someone eyes.

The simple innocence of what the reds say and always at the right moment.

Knowing that no matter what decision I make or what is going on in my life my girls will ALWAYS be there for matter what.

New songs for my iTouch.

A baseball game on a Sunday afternoon.

The warmth and smell of clean sheets.

Clean and organized house which rarely happens but I have high hopes.
A day of shopping with no distractions and no rush.

Knowing that I found my forever and willl never let him go.
The laughter that fills my house every day and the hope that it never goes away.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Littlest Red and Me

All play and no work makes for a very happy little red. I've been trying to do fun things with Lucas because lately he has been feeling a little left out. He doesn't get to go to school and participate in class parties and fundraisers. He doesn't get to do a weekly homework packet and although we all know that one day homework will be the root of all evil in his world, he wants to do what big brother does. So we've been playing legos, going to lunch with friends (well my friends), taking rides to the foothills, doing crafts, etc. Sometimes I think it's enough and sometimes I want to do more for him. Today we had a mommy and Lucas photoshoot. Of course he agreed to cooperate without the bribe of a lollipop ;-) and I think the smile on his face proves that I'm making sure he has fun when it's just the Littlest Red and Me.

And so it begins....

I decided that it's time for me to jump on the blogger bandwagon. Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and provide you a little entertainment along the way. Sooooooo...Let's Get it Started in Here (I do love that song).

