

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don't Stop Believing

Tonight on my drive home I was humming one of my favorite songs; Don't Stop Believing by Journey. I don't have a clue why I love this song so much. It's not a song chalked full of inspirational lyrics. It isn't attached to a sentimental event or person in my life. Maybe it's the 80's connection and my love for just about everything from the 80's. Regardless, I love turning up the volume as loud as it will go (or I can tolerate) and signing my heart out to this song. So here I am, on my drive home from the gold country to the central valley and as I'm scanning the radio stations, it happened. I hear the first few cords and almost instantly my mood went from irritated to giddy. The volume went up, the windows came down (slightly) and the lyrics flowed out of my mouth. For those brief 3 minutes and whatever seconds, I forgot about everything going on around me that is weighing heavy on my heart and mind. And when the song was over the smile on my face and giddiness I felt didn't fade. So maybe that's why I love that song so much. It has the ability to instantly bring sunshine to my day. And maybe someone knew that I needed to hear those three little words that I've been lacking in my attitude lately....Don't Stop Believing!!!!