

Monday, July 25, 2011


In my short 35 years of life, I've come across many people that have a passion for something. Not like a hobby that passes the time, but a real deep passion that I think can't be explained or understood because it can't be compared. For some it's photography, music, cooking and even working. For me, I'm not sure I've found that passion. I love being a mom and if you've read any of my previous posts you can see how much I adore the reds. They are my heart and soul, not my passion. I like to read and bake, but I'm not passionate about it. So sometimes I wonder, will I ever find that passion and will I not have lived a fulling life if I never find that passion??

As I sit here in a very quiet house surrounded by furry friends and type away on this latest post, I know that this is what comes easy to me. I'm never at a loss for words and it never feels forced. I get giddy inside at the thought of pulling out a notebook and my favorite pen to write down my thoughts. So then I think, could I blog about stuff everyday and be happy. I probably could (and if someone paid me, it would be even better). Am I passionate about it??? Well, I love to write. It makes me happy. I want to do it more, but can't find the time. I've had chapters of a book written for several years now, but can't seem to finish. By golly maybe I've found something to be passionate about. Maybe it's something that one day could put me on the NY Times Best Seller List. But if it doesn't, I'll still enjoy the simple ease of jotting down the written word.

