

Monday, January 31, 2011

Round Em Up

It's that time again in our household...Kindergarten Roundup! It's a process dreaded by most parents because it makes us realize our babies are getting older and so are we. The first time I did this, it was painless for the most part. Sure I forgot to turn in a copy of someone's birth certificate until the week before school started, but it all worked out. Today is the "official" first day we devoted parent are allowed to get our grubby little hands on a registration packet. It also happens to be the last "official" day to turn in an IDA form. What's an IDA form you ask? It's the "official" Intra-District Agreement form that must be filled out and signed by everyone, including the Queen of England. I have to fill one out each year in the hopes that my soon to be 2nd grader and Kindergartener will be allowed to remain at a school that we love.
I arrived at school #1 this morning to give them a copy of both reds IDA forms. Last year they were kind enough to allow me to submit the form through them, rather than through the primary attendance school. However, that is not the propert procedure so this year I wasn't allowed to do that.
Off to school #2...wait!!! Why didn't I pick up the kindergarten packet at school #1 you ask? Well in the words of my friend Jessica, we live in Yemin and our "official" primary school is only a 2-6 grade. There's another school that's even further out that takes all K-1st graders. So off to school #2 where I was hoping to drop off one of the IDA forms for my soon to be 2nd grader. Logic would say if school #2 is our primary school for grade 2-6, I would need to submit the form there. Apparently logic wasn't part of today's fun. I was turned away at school #2 and sent to school #3.
School #3 promises to take both IDA forms and my kindergarten registration packet. I fill it out and wait and wait until it's my turn to hand over the goodies. She takes copies of everything, but oh wait...Mrs. Goulart, I can't accept this. It seems as though your son is missing a few shots. Anticipating this issue, I looked over the required shots last night and compared them to what little red already had. He was missing the 2nd MMR which the form clearly said, required prior to entering Kindergarten. She proceeds to tell me he needs that shot before she will take the paperwork. So I kindly said, well the woman that was ahead of me didn't have an official stamped copy of the birth certificate and you took hers (she did ask her to come back with an official stamped version). She says, well technically it was all there, she just needs the stamp. If that logic makes any sense to anyone else, then I'm doomed. I was allowed to submit the IDA forms and told to come back with the packet after my child has been traumitized with a needle.
So here I sit, defeated by what should of been a simple process to enroll my child in school. The even more frustrating part that will confuse you even #2 is undergoing a $3million expansion that could turn it into a K-8 grade. Logic would say, then you close school #3 and have all the kids go to school #2. Wrong again. At this point the school Board hasn't made that decision, but hey $3 million on a school expansion that you don't intend to really use...that's logic. If the reds don't get their IDA's approved, then next school year we will have a 2nd grader at school #2 and a Kindergartener at school #3. Happy Monday!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Life Without Me

A topic that was on my mind more often than normal for a few months was Mr. G. and the Reds. As a mom and wife, it’s natural to think of your spouse and kids frequently. You hope they are safe, happy and on their best behavior when you aren’t around. As a mom and wife you take care of them when they are sick, hurt or upset. As a mom and wife you cry when they cry, hurt when they hurt and laugh when they laugh. But what happens if as a mom and wife, you may not be able to always make sure they are safe, happy, and content. What if you can’t cure their illness, bandage their ouwie’s or tell them silly stories. What if something were to happen to “Me”.

A few months ago I found myself in a place where I have never been before. For the most part, I’ve had a healthy life. A few minor things here and there, but nothing concerning by any means. Sparing all the details leading up to my situation, I found myself sitting in the doctor’s office, waiting for her to come in and begin the procedure that would ultimately tell me what’s wrong. As women, we undergo many undesirable exams just to keep ourselves healthy. Sometimes those exams don’t produce the desired results. I found myself in that place this time. A place where I needed to have a biopsy to determine if my body had decided to revolt after 34 years of being healthy. Four painful biopsies later, we discussed the various scenario’s and next steps. Ya see, at this point I was already told that I have pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. These tests were to determine the exact stage of my condition so I can get the proper treatment. It had been 6 weeks since I first found out and now I was going to have to wait another 3-5 days for the results. Mr. G. and I made a decision to not tell many family and friends because there wasn’t much to tell at this point. We didn’t want to deal with questions we didn’t have answers to or worry people if ultimately there was nothing to worry about.

When you get married, your life changes because you now have another person to think about. When you become a mom, the importance of your life changes tenfold. I love Mr. G. with all my heart and soul, but the love I have for the Reds is different. They are innocent little boys that need their mama. Mr. G. needs me to, as I do him, but these are my babies. The thought of me being sick and them not having the mom they are used to was devastating. The morbid thought of all three of them not having me at all was almost more than I could deal with.

For the next 7 days I barely ate, hardly slept, couldn’t concentrate and cried when no one else could see me. Mr. G. became the stronger one and I became the worry wart. As mom’s we worry about so many things when it comes to our kids and we know that one day, we won’t be around. My life plan never included exiting this earth at an early age, but I was being forced to go over this morbid thought. At this point some of you might say, you are totally overreacting. If you were that sick, you would know it, so stop with all this nonsense. Unfortunately, I am not programmed that way. Unless you have been in a similar situation, you really can’t understand the toll it takes on you emotionally. You never in a million years think you will be in the other person’s shoes and then you are.

On December 23rd my phone rang and it was a number I had known well by now. Partial biopsy results were back and my cell count is LOW! That was the best case scenario and what I had prayed for. Treatement = repeat tests in 6 months. If my status remains at low for at least 3 years, there is only a 20% chance that I will get the Big C. I will take the low results, 20% risk and try to remember what life was like before November 2nd and know that life will be great from this point on. At some point, many many years from now there will be life without me. For now, Mr. G. and the Reds will have Me around to smother them with love.


Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 = Exciting

2011!!! Here we are again. Three days into the new year and some people have probably broke their resolutions, gotten off to a rocky start or haven't come up with a plan to not repeat the bad of 2010. I myself don't make specific resolutions. I come up with a list of things I want to accomplish which some may say is a form of making a resolution. It's not elaborate and doesn't include unattainable things like winning the lottery (have to play to win) or becoming the next Top Chef :-) I fill mine with things like, spend more quality time with the reds, find more quiet time for me, vow to not let the laundry pile up, take the dog for more walks, etc. I might throw in a few things that require extra effort, but for the most part the list is almost like a daily checklist to keep myself in line and remind me of what's important.

As for the title of this blog, there will be some exciting things going on in our world this year. Do I know exactly what all those exciting things are...nope, but I have faith that it will be a great year. 2010 wasn't all that bad for us, which is why I have drawn the conclusion that 2011 = Exciting. Some notable moments for our household were a new job for Me after being unemployed for 5 1/2 months, family camping trips to the mountains and the coast, Mr. G. becoming VP of the FESM, the reds excitement on Christmas morning when they opened up the one thing they had been asking for since the day after last Christmas, adopting our lab Geronimo from the rescue center, finding out that the reds Godparents and our dear friends were expecting a baby in January 2011 (only a few more days), celebrating our 10 year anniversary with close friends and family, receiving great news from my dr. 2 days before Christmas, making new friends and reconnecting with old ones, being in a house that finally feels like home again after so many years of moving around and finally....this is more of a personal thing....getting to a point in my life where I know how to appreciate what I have and the opportunities that each day brings. So do I know for sure that 2011 will be exciting? Yep, I sure do.