

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

As if I didn't have enough to keep me busy....

Below is the article I submitted to It won't be a published article, but I wanted to share with you all a glimpse into my writing world.
Marriage isn't a Walk in the Park
Marriage is a lot like a roller coaster. It has moments of anticipation and excitement, which can be compared to sitting at the top of the tracks, just waiting to make that first high speed decent. It can also make you uneasy, which are how many first time riders feel while standing in line. The one thing many don’t realize is that eventually the craziness of the ride stops and when you get off, you recognize that it really wasn’t so bad.
Marriage is hard work and can almost never be compared to a walk in the park. A walk in the park is usually peaceful and mainly on flat land. Sure you get to enjoy it at a calm pace, but after a while the silence can get lonely. The roller coaster on the other hand, now that will give you twists and turns like you never imagined. Marriage has twists, turns, highs and lows. Why wouldn’t it? You have two people who love each other trying to move through this crazy world together. It’s never going to resemble perfect.
A balance between perfect and unhappiness is what couples should strive for. Recognize that each of you have faults and accept the fault rather than try to change the one you love. Love unconditionally and with all your heart 100% of the time. A roller coaster can’t operate effectively on half speed and a marriage won’t survive on part time love. You have a choice to make. Find the harmonious balance and get in line for the ride of your life. You can even take that walk in the park with the one you love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In All Honesty....

Has it really been that long since my last blog post?? Wowza! Guess I've been a little busy with life. In all honesty it's the busy life that brought me back to the blogging today.
While driving home from work I was going over this evenings to do list in my head and the entire time I believe Lucas was trying to talk to me about all the books he wanted to order from the Scholastic order form he just got from preschool. In all honesty I have no idea how long he was trying to get my attention, but it was the MAMA yell that finally got my attention. Like most veteran mommies, we learn to tune out the jabber from the backseat and listen for the important things like, mooommmyyy...Lucas put a lego man in his mouth again. Or the ever popular name calling and at this age that mainly consists of you're a poo head with a rebuttal of oh yeah well you're a gayno. Sidebar - ask Lucas what a gayno is because each time I ask, I get a different description.
I then began to think about what my life was like just a short year ago. I was busy, but busy with different things. I had stress, but a different kind of stress. I was newly unemployed and wondering what in the h-e-double hockey sticks was I going to do to help support my family. Oh and what would I do with all my free time ( time). My time quickly filled up with planning parties and holiday gatherings, purging and packing for yet another move, volunteering at Sam's school, entertaining the youngest red during the day and trying to master the skills of a domestic goddess. I enjoyed having all this time to be a mommy and do the things I had always envied other mom's for. In all honesty, I secretly wished that I could hold off on finding a job just a little longer so I could enjoy this moment.
So here we are a year later and I'm 6 1/2 months into a new job that I'm thankful and happy to have. Usually our family is busy during the summer and things settle down a bit before the holiday season starts. That doesn't appear to be the case this year. Both reds are in school so mornings have become even more hectic. Who would of thought making one more lunch would totally throw off your morning does!! So now on any given evening we are busy with dinner, baths, homework, feeding the cat and dog (yes I said dog), soccer practice or a game, CCD for the eldest red, work meetings, parent club meetings, FESM meetings and so on and so on. I know, I know, how is my life any more hectic than yours. Well it's probably not, but all this blabbing is getting to my point.
What could be so important that I would tune out my sweet baby boy on our drive home? This time is just ours...Luc and Mommy...Mommy and and and you...(it's a little song we made up). In all honesty, nothing is that important. My to do list consisted of stopping at the feed store, grocery store, dinner, homework, sweeping, giving the dog his flea meds, unloading the dishwasher, baths, folding laundry and finding a little down time. In all honesty, most of those things on that list could have waited until tomorrow. I knew what I really needed to do, but I wanted to make sure I REALLY knew what I needed to do. I've taken a detour and put some important things aside because life is hectic. Life will always be hectic so it's time to sit down and re prioritize. 2010 is quickly coming to an end and I can't think of a better time to take on this task.
The next time you put off for tomorrow, what you should of done today, ask yourself...did I really need to sacrifice that time?? In all honesty, probably not.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

#1 Slacker

Ok, ok, ok...I get it. I'm a slacker and haven't upated the blog in exactly 2 months and 1 day. I've been a little busy, but I'm making a promise that I will do my best to not slack off so much and keep the blog updated.

Things around here are getting back to normal. It was an adjustment period going back to work after 5 1/2 months but I think we have settled in. Samuel has a few more weeks of school left and then he will be a big bad 1st grader. Lucas keeps asking about preschool, so daddy and I are beginning the search for a preschool he can go to a few days a week. Samuel really enjoyed his preschool time and we want Lucas to have the same advantage.

Festa season has begun so we will be getting our march on every Sunday from now until...well...forever. This summer we are going to try and camp as much as possible. With my new job I'm not allowed to take time off for the first 6 months so little weekend trips will have to do. Besides camping is always a good time.

Well for now this short update will have to do. The weather is beautiful today and I must get back outside and enjoy it. Check back for an update on our first camping trip which will happen over Memorial Day weekend. I'm sure I will have a few funny stories.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Everything Moments

I found a CD today that had something very precious to me on it. It's a video that I created a few years back to remind me that although our family was going through a very difficult time, the reds were the best blessing ever and that is what was most important. The song captures how I feel about them every single day and the images remind me of how awesome it is to be their mom. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and don't forget to turn up the volume.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vintage Red 02/09/10

Yeah I know....I'm several weeks behind on posting a new Vintage Red pic. This is one of my all time favorite pics. It shouldn't be difficult to guess which Red is rockin the duckie towel.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Warmth, Comfort & Love

There are many things in life that make us feel great. What exactly that thing is revolves around a snapshot in time. My snapshot for today is warmth, comfort and love. On this cold winter morning I am thankful that I have the warmth of a soft wool sweater, the comfort of my favorite pair of BR jeans and the love of Mr. G. Right now, in this moment that is what makes me feel great.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The end of January 2010 is quickly approaching. That means that there are only 11 more months of shopping left before Christmas....Yikes! The beginning of a new year always brings new goals and hopes for a better tomorrow. Some people make resolutions while others (like me) have good intentions of just being a better person. Those intentions might turn into a list similar to this one.
1. Donate more to a favorite charity.
2. Volunteer at least 2-3 days per week at a local organization.
3. Read more to the reds.
4. Set aside more family time a week.
5. Complain less and be thankful for what we have.
If you notice, no where on that list have I listed anything that is just about Me. I didn't do that purposely, it just worked out that way. By nature I'm one who tries to take care of everyone else before myself and at the end of the year I down right exhausted. Ya see my good intentions might have made me feel more accomplished or fulfilled that I helped someone else out, but in the end I didn't take care of Me. It's important to always remember to take care of your own personal happiness and health as well.
So where is the balance between the two??? That's a great question that I am still trying to figure out. What I have come to realize that I can spend my entire day doing domestic goddess things or making sure everyone is fed, clean and happy BUT if I go to bed exhausted or not having done one thing (outside of everyday necessities) for myself, then I haven't accomplished much. Take time each day, even if it's only 10-15 minutes to do something just for yourself. Have a cup of tea and a cookie while sitting in a nice comfy chair. Read the newspaper in a quiet room of the house. Go to your room, lock the door behind you and veg out for a little while.
When you set out with good intentions to be a better person and give back, make sure that you give back to yourself as well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vintage Red 1/19/10

Can you guess which Red this is??


Monday, January 11, 2010

Weekly Photo - A.K.A. Vintage Red

While going through some CD's a few weeks ago I found a ton of vintage red pics that I just went gaga over. So each week I'm going to devote a blog post to one of my favorite vintage red photos. The title of this weeks vintage red...I'll hold him, but I'm NOT touching him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


New Year's Eve - We decided that this year we would bring the reds along with us to the NYE party being held at the FESM (Portuguese Hall in Manteca where Mr. G. is a member of...well I guess I am as well). Anywhooooo, since my sister was coming along with us we decided the reds would be her dates for the evening. I mean come on, who wouldn't want those two very handsome boys as escorts. She even made them each a boutonniere that matched her dress. Granted Lucas wanted to rip it off within the first minute but it was the sweet thought that counts. I'm sure by the time prom comes around he will learn better manners.

My sis and I greeted everyone as they entered the hall to make sure they had tickets and pass out their party hats. The reds ran around the hall with the other kids and Mr. G was behind the bar making sure everyone got more than their fair share of drinks that night. Dinner was steak and shrimp so of course the reds ate everything in sight....FAT CHANCE. Let's see, one consumed bread and butter while the other had bread and a few bites of steak. Dinner was over with around 8:30ish and the youngest red was passed out on a makeshift bed of four chairs by 9pm. Some date he was. The eldest red partied with us until after midnight and enjoyed his first glass (ok maybe 4) of sparkling apple cider. It was a fun way to say goodbye 2009 and HELLO 2010!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 - What Matters

Wow...what a crazy end to 2009. My sister and nephew arrived on the 17th (12 hours late) and it has been crazy busy non stop fun ever since. We managed to shop for and hold the bake-a-thon, visit relatives, have numerous family gatherings, get a pedicure, go to the beach, shop, visit Chuck E Cheese for the first (and maybe last time), stop by the 133 for a few drinks and just catch up. In between all of the fun I also took care of 2 sick reds. Of course they couldn't be sick at the same time because that would be too easy on a mommy. I tried sooo hard to keep myself healthy but I too game down with a sick bug and am hoping to be 100% in a day or two.

2009 was filled with many great memroies of family fun that I hope the reds will always remember. Our summer at the beach house in Anchor Bay is still something that Lucas brings up every so often. Samuel's first day of kinder was another wonderful moment for Mr. G and I.

2009 also brought sadness to our family with the loss of Granny Franny. We love her dearly and miss her everyday. The reds were so fortunate to have had her in their lives, even for a short period of time. The holidays weren't the same without her but we keep her in our hearts and our thoughts.

The end of 2009 was a career bummer for me. For the first time in 10 years I was unemployed and didn't know what to do with myself. I've done lots of soul searching and thinking about how it has impacted me. Honestly, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to me at that moment in my career. It cleared out the fog and gave me some much needed sun.

2010 will be a time of change and growth for me professionally and personally. I have to let go of the toxic things in my life and make room for what really matters most. What matters most to me might be number 5 on someone elses list and that's ok. Like a snowflake, no two "what matters" lists should be alike. Coming up with your list should be so easy and a little like the Would you rather game. Would you rather work 60 hours per week so you can walk around in $300 designer jeans OR work 40 hours per week and be happy in your Target jeans. To me the answer is very easy, but I've also never been a person that has to have the designer labels for all to see. At the end of the day the material items do not matter. What matters is how you lived each day and if you really cared about the important things in life. So my challenge to myself and to everyone else is to purge the bad in 2010. You have to start with yourself and decide what matters to you.

