

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Did you know?

Did you know that when you go to bed, I stay up to fold that last load of laundry, load the dishwasher and make tomorrow's lunch?

Did you know that I love hugging your tears away and putting character band aids on that mystery owie?

Did you know that when you grow up you will probably still love macaroni and cheese?

Did you know that a homemade picture is more precious than any gift you could give?

Did you know that I will always put your needs before mine?

Did you know that sometimes at night I watch you sleep just so I can steal one more glimpse of heaven?

Did you know that I love you a little more each day, even on the days that you push the limits?

Did you know that I would walk to the ends of the earth and back to take away every single pain you have ever felt?

Did you know that there are plenty of times that I don't want to say no, but know I have to?

Did you know you gave me my most challenging and rewarding role?

And finally, did you know that I will never think you are too old to need your mom?
